Friday, June 15, 2007

My iPod makes me dress bad?

It is always interesting when someone tries to blame all kinds of stuff on a single thing, at points it just gets silly.

It appears that a painter in Britian has gone off about iPods and how they are ruining people's appreciation for certain types of art.

I think there are probably more reasons then just the iPod to why some people might not appreciate some types of art like they used to, but the best line is this "It even makes people dress badly."
So because I listen to music via earbuds I now can't tell what matches or doesn't?

Might it just be that there is a portion the population that will never be able to dress very well and with the proliferation of the iPod some of them will be 'be-bopping' to tunes rather then worried that their plaids don't go together.

Maybe it isn't the iPod at all but the music that you are listening too? Could it be that certain music types promote bad taste?

Or could it just be a way for this painter dude to get some publicity? Dis something that people love and it will bring a storm of attention.

links for more info:

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