Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thoughts that happened while at the fireworks

Some general rambling of thoughts that occurred while attending the fireworks display last night:

1. Rochester puts on a great fireworks show. It was a lot of fun and loud. Two things you have to have at a fireworks show.

2. The Rochester Civic Music was really well this year too. Sometimes the sound is not so great, but we got there early and it was awesome. There is something really cool about waving flags and marching around with your kids to some great patriotic standards.

3. They need more porta-potties. Or there should be a special line for parents with small children. It was pretty crazy to have to wait in line 30 minutes.

4. Something occurred while I was waiting in line to take Ethan and Adline to the bathroom. There was a young girl in front of us who was waiting in line. Some guy showed up after about 15 minutes all 'G-D out' which is ok if you get into that kind of thing. But the first thing out of his mouth was "Hey, B****h". And the girl responded like it was not big thing.

Their conversation went from bad to worse with at one point them making out and then the next minute she was slapping him and he even slapped (not too hard, but still) her back. And then they made out again.

There were a couple things that I had running through my brain that I hope never leave based on that event.....

a. I want to raise my son so that he never treats anyone that way, let alone a female. He has to learn that people are to be respected and treated well.

b. I want to raise my daughter so that she will have more self-respect and not put up with a low-life leech like that. Any girl who is going to put up with that should not be surprised when her life ends up a train wreck.

God, spare my children from that fate.

But over all it was a great night with lots of glee expressed over the big 'Boomers'. Happy 4th!

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