Thursday, September 6, 2007

Apple lust in full effect....

Apple has done it again - they have taken something that I felt was off the charts cool - my ipod - and bumped it to the next level. There are some great things that came out of the new product announcements this week:

1. I really like the fact that they have expanded the Product (RED) to the shuffle. It only makes sense.

2. The new Nanos look really sweet. I am going to have to go to a store and probably touch one to really appreciate the coolness. But with the move to more and more video podcasts and other media it only makes sense to expand and offer that on the Nano.

3. The iTouch appears to be way off the charts sweet. Not sure about the whole Starbucks tie-in. Maybe I am just not a big enough java consumer, but it just strikes me as a little too much hype for a really small integration point.

The biggest thing about this week's announcements though - be careful being too early of an adopter to Apple's products. Major ouch to all those who got hosed $200 on their iPhones. Let's hope you got that much more enjoyment gloating over the fact that you had one and we didn't.

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