Monday, September 17, 2007

Art of the Critique

This is a great post about how to approach a critique of someone's work/design. I have to say that after reading it I felt like a dork. I think I fall into the 'dumb business side' of the house too often when it comes with working with visual design saying things like, "I don't really like that shade or something." without really giving the designer a clear cut definition of what it is that I am even talking about.

In case you were wondering, the four pieces of the critique are:

1. Know the client parameters of design. You can't critique if you don't know what the ground rules are.

2. Start with what you like about the design. This really makes sense as it puts people on a safer place rather then starting off with what is wrong. Note to self - stop starting out with the negative.

3. Explain what and how you'd improve the design, not what you don't like. This again gets to the same objective of talking about how the design could improve it is just a better way to go at it.

If you love it, then say so.

This gives me some really good areas to work on how I work with design.

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