Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moving show.... House

I have been a big fan of House since it came out. The connections between Sherlock Homes and this show is awesome. And for some reason the crankiness of House is really funny and enjoyable to watch. The season ended this week with one of the most moving episodes I think I have ever watched on TV.

I have seen characters on shows die and have been moved, but the way that they went through this one was both a 'can't pull my eyes away from the TV' to one of the most gut wrenching moments.

The biggest thing that has stuck with me is when Wilson asks Amber why she isn't mad as she is dying - and she says, "Because that is not the last thing I want to feel." Was awesome.

There is a fear of death.

For me it is the fear of leaving the ones that I love intensely and deeply. I have been blessed in life and to leave that is almost more then I can bear to think about. And so I don't. But when moments like House come up - it forces you to look, think, and deal with it a little bit.

Also this song by Alicia Keys made me think of all of this again today.

So I am going to go home and hug my family and focus on living life with them as though this is the last day.

So go outside.

Breath deeply.

Hug tightly.

Enjoy life.

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