Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Welcome to middle age

That is what my dentist said to me a couple of months ago. It was when it was discovered that one of the thousands of fillings that I have gotten throughout the years was actually causing one of my teeth to crack. So I went through the procedure that many have done before me. That is to get a crown on my tooth.

The overall process actaully wasn't too bad. Going in to get my tooth ground down to a little numb was kind of a pain. Then having to freak out while wearing a tooth cap while waiting for my crown to be created as also kind of a pain. But overall not too bad.

I am adjusting to having gold in my mouth. It flashes back there when I look in the mirror. I am thinking it is a good thing to get a gold tooth now. Then if the economy really dips down I have a savings account right here in my mouth. Though I doubt that a slobbered on and used tooth is really worth much.

Anyhow that has been my adventure.

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