Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Book review: Twilight

If you don't have a bunch of free time - don't even crack the cover on this book. Because it will grab you and pull you in until you are through all 498 pages. I know. It is a teenage love story between a high school girl and a vampire. I know. It is a little gooey in parts with their romance. I know. It is chick-lit type of story. I know all of that. And I still love this story!

It is written well and proves why it has sold about a billion copies and why there is a movie coming out later this year on this book.

The thing for me that was interesting was in reading the dialogue and thoughts about love, what it is, and how you feel when you are in love were (even though this was with a girl and a vampire) are actually pretty close to what I have experienced in life. I was lucky enough to have found my 'perfect match' and fool her into staying around.

So read it - but with caution. You will lose focus on the rest of you life until you are through this book.

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