Monday, May 4, 2009

Movie Review: The Soloist

The story of a journalist befriending a street musician and how their friendship develops seems like a pretty good story line, and it actually makes for a pretty good movie. The thing I liked about this film, even though it drags a little in places is that it is very real-to-life in that there isn't a 'happy ending' per say. The soloist isn't 'fixed'.
There are some pretty powerful ideas that I have been thinking about since watching this movie. The main one being "What is real friendship?" And the answer from this movie is just being there. You can't fix someone you just have to be there and help where you can, but being there is the most important.

This is a really good movie, not a great one. But with the options in the theater being pretty limited at the moment defiantly one to check out.

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