Monday, November 30, 2009

Movie Review: Disney's Christmas Carol

We took the kids to see this movie this weekend. This is the same director who brought the Polar Express to life - which while a great movie, there was a little bit of creepiness about the characters faces (at least for me). But you can tell that the technology has really improved! The visuals are amazing, even down to the hairs on the end of Scrooge's nose!

About the movie itself, this is such a classic story that you think of it as a children's tale. But is actually is pretty scary. This movie is about the same. While the visuals were amazing there were a few 'cover your eyes' moments where Adline got pretty scared.

Also there were a couple of sequences that were put in just to show off the technology and didn't really add a lot to the story. But all of that being said, it is a stunning movie. And as the kids get older, I can see this being a movie that we add to the holiday mix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog. Thank you.