Monday, September 10, 2007

Using Design thinking

This great post over at Creative Generalist gives you the main things to do when attempting to use design thinking.

1. Define the problem - this is sometimes one of the toughest things to do. It seems to me that people often use problems to attempt to get their own agenda items included on a project or they are looking for an old 'hatchet' to pick up and grind with someone about. To really stick with an issue until you have it really defined and then sticking with that definition is critical.

2. Create and consider many options - in my work I do my best to run scenarios and issues past as many people as I can. It often seems that the best and straightforward solution is going to from someone that you wouldn't expect.

3. Refine selected directions - For me this is the 'is this actually practical' test.

4. Pick the winner, then execute - For some reason some people have trouble just picking a solution. This maybe just how they are wired, but for Pete's sake people, if we don't try something that problem isn't usually going to fix itself!

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