The stakes where high for this movie, a lot of friends had said that this was THE superhero movie of the year and I was pretty excited because of this positive buzz that was flowing. However, outside of some of the special effects, this movie was actually kind of a dud for me. Overall the script felt really forced and the story took forever to develop – and when there was the final fight scene it was just flat. Not drawn out or even resolving anything. There would never be a way that in a company like that that there could only be a single bad guy, there has to be others and the issue with the terrorist who actually kept him alive at the beginning wasn’t resolved.
The one part of the movie that I did like was the story line about a man who finds out that what he has thought was good really wasn’t and feeling the need to redeem for his mistakes. Outside of that and a few flying parts, a big yawn from me. Granted some of this feeling my be because The Dark Knight was off the charts awesome and it is going to take awhile before a movie (any movie for that matter) matches up to that one. But every superhero movie in my mind will be. So maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on Ironman – but alas I must.
Here is hoping the second one is better...
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